Originally Posted by ctsmith
Originally Posted by R_H_Clark

There is somewhat of a safety in basing your decisions in what God told others to do. The problem with it however is that you are left with a book of directions and examples of what God did long ago rather than a living God in you. Read Hebrews for example.The entire theme is that there is no longer any boundary between you and God. What good is it for God to provide a way for you to stand in his presence guilt free but you would rather just read an account of what he told somebody else to do?

The usefulness of the scriptures is not as a book of God's words to you,but as a book that reveals to you a way that you can hear from God for yourself. Yes,nobody will hear the same but that's the point. Your problems and weaknesses are completely different from mine. There's no danger for the seeker of truth. There's no danger of being wrong for he who seeks what is right. Follow peace,love,joy,goodness,all of what the bible calls fruit of the Spirit and your path is always sure. The real danger is when we stand up and declare that we know God because we have read the book. Therein lies pride. I'm not telling you to throw away your bible. I'm telling you the bible is the path,rather than the destination.

Question - God revealed to the local Methodist Church to allow gay pastors. What say you?

The only thing I could tell you about anything is to follow TRUTH. Now,figuring out what TRUTH really is and separating TRUTH from opinion and personal experience is up to you. It's not as easy as it first appears and often requires deep personal examination of why you think a particular way.