Originally Posted by Fubarski

GFY, loser.

Internet coward?


You found some anti-religion bullshit somewhere, and post it as legit.

But thanks, for pointing our the legitimacy of the Third Commandment.

AH hid behind Christianity to advance his agenda, as many illegitimate killers have.

The fact that you choose to believe the rantings of a lunatic, over his actions, proves your stupidity beyond any redemption.

'member the 6 million jews killed by the Nazis?

Well, there was a equal number of Catholics and others killed, by the guy that was such a devout Catholic.

No surprise, that a loser like you would grip onto internet bullshit, rather than examine the actions of Adolf "Catholic" Hitler.

But, when a person's desperate ta not look like a moron, the size of the crap that they pull outta their @sshole is often surprising.

Apparently when a person is desperate to not look like a moron he falls back on vitriol and denigration to bolster his dubious self worth.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.