Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

And it that context it can apply to any set of principles intended to lead a person to a better way of life, be those principle Christian or otherwise.

Avowed and celebrated atheists Walter Lippmann & HL Menken praised the book Christianity & Liberalism by J Gresham Machen. In that seminal work the author asserted that an intellectually honest assessment of Historic Christianity reveals it is not a “set of principles intended to lead a person to a better way of life” but something altogether different. His assertion is that Christianity is a message from the One true God inviting men into communion with Him through the sacrifice of His Son. Now a right relationship with God will result in a better way of life for them and those around them but that isn’t the end goal.

If you’re interested in such a work I’d highly recommend it; great read even if you (as did the two aforementioned gentlemen) disagree with the truth of our religion.