Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by Starman

Law courts require a certain standard
of objective evidence to prove something,
unlike faith which is subjective and can
fluctuate wildly from one individual to

Are you requiring proof (of the supernatural) beyond any doubt? ... ......

Surely you noticed I referenced Law courts which require
evidence of varying degree without the requirement of
meeting the std. of your 'beyond any doubt'.
Let's begin with;
Beyond a reasonable doubt , which is the legal burden
of proof required to affirm a conviction...meaning one must
convince a jury that there is no other reasonable explanation
that can come from the evidence presented.
Then we have the lower standard of proof called;
Preponderance of Evidence.
Like I said earlier , we don't know how far down
the path of rational explanations you have explored
for Israelis winning the war and establishing Israel,
before adopting your supernatural belief.
Put it this way , if you were on a jury where
the defendant was claiming ,the 'hand of God'
forced them to kill someone , what would it take
you to buy their story? .Would you believe it as
easily as you do supernatural intervention on
behalf of Israel?
If you were going to explain how everything we know came into existence what would you say? If you don't know, well what do you think was the primal creative force? Even if you subscribe to the big bang (which I sort of do) where did all this energy and matter come from? I am interested in what you believe. We know what you disbelieve.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."