Originally Posted by DBT

Evidence of supper is on the plate for anyone who is present to see. To lack convinction is a matter of insufficient evidence rather than a 'denial of God.' Justification is the issue. Your culture and circumstances brought you to Christianity, other cultures and other circumstances bring people to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, whatever the case may be....

Beliefs have little to do with what is. One day, all mankind will come to terms with what is absolute, and regardless of where you were born and who taught you what, the truth will be manifested.

No judgement here, it isn’t for me to judge. No condemnation either, just a voice in the wilderness confessing a witness to the existence of only one God that we will all be subject to, regardless of our upbringing or country of origin.

I can’t prove it, but no one can prove me wrong and I am not alone in my convictions.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.