Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by IZH27
The essence of Christianity? If God is unchanging the message of the Gospel is unchanged from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation. The essence of Christianity is found in John 3:16. However, That passage, taken in context is descriptive and not prescriptive. There is a lot behind that conversation but it's not subject matter for this thread.

Yeah but you used the term in your post, so it must've meant something to you. That's an allusive non-answer if I've ever seen one, but keep up the subterfuge - it doesn't dissapoint.

There is no subterfuge on my part. I am simply trying to keep the thread from drifting from my OP. If you would like to discuss Christianity and my view of what the religion is and means I am more than happy to do so. Just not here in this thread. This thread was written for the purpose of trying to get some of the people here that dehumanize non-believers to consider their error.