Originally Posted by IZH27
Originally Posted by flintlocke
Rabid, proselytizing, bible spouting Christians are no better, than rabid, proselytizing, Marx-Engels spouting Democrats( marxists, socialists, progressives). They both KNOW BETTER than the proletariat/unbeliever. The Christians and the Democrats, in their minds are so morally superior to the bourgeoisie that they feel it is their duty to tell the unbeliever not only how to live but what to believe. And also what is to be rendered unto Caesar. Stunning supreme elitist arrogance. Even the 'Master Race' did not require every person to join the Nazi Party. I suppose there are Christian bashing atheists, I don't know any, speaking for myself only, I just would prefer not to be told what is best for me or my family, by Democrats or Christians. Good Christians lead by example rather than finger pointing and lecturing, shunning and witch burning. When you are stuck in the bible belt, the Christian principles of humility, love, and tolerance are harder to find than one might suppose.

I agree with much of what you have observed having observed it and seen the impact of that mentality. I don't believe that such things are examples of Christianity but rather examples of moralism and legalism, neither of which is the essence of Christianity.


The context of my response and the specific statement, by flintlocke, to which I was responding.