Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by DBT
A wackjob with a set of insane beliefs, a blend of ideology and religion, which he packaged and sold to a nation, causing untold suffering.

He sold it to a Christian nation (62.7% Protestant, 32.5% Catholics, 4.8% other, 0.8% Jewish in 1933) of willing buyers.

Some describe Jesus as a wackjob rabbi who
saw the world ending very soon...so there's
nothing odd about such believers getting taken
in by another wackjob...and what better way to
get the gullible in than by utilizing their existing
fear, paranoia and superstition based beliefs.

Some here should read about how the German 6th
celebrated Christmas when they were encircled at
Stalingrad at the same time they were conducting
an all out ideological war of death and destruction
and indifference to the immense human suffering
they caused.

The Waffen SS identified as Christian in over 50%
of its members..Himmler relaxing/adjusting his
policy to accommodate them when they protested
his original demands.

Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by flintlocke
Wabi, Religion or no religion, I sense you are a truly good man to your core. Your brand of faith allows you to tolerate us heathens in good humor, ....

There are many different christianities, and they are not all equal.

IIRC ,. wabi denigrates other people's gods by
calling them false..which is a really cheap shot.
(but commensurable for such a simpleton.)

He can no more prove such gods as false
than he can prove his god to be real.

Originally Posted by NH K9

When's the last time you saw a frost giant wandering around?
I guess Odin and Thor win in the evidence department.

Norse settled Greenland as pagans where a
Frost Giant would certainly be fitting....then
they converted to Christianity and their settlements
failed, so Jesus and faith wasn't able to help them.
One can still see the crumbled remains of a church.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.