Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by CCCC
...You do not cite, or even possess, fact one - you do not even know me. ..
We know you from your history of CF posts sufficient to deduce you are naive and ignorant and hiding behind your faith.
Originally Posted by CCCC
- that I am never a victim to your nastiness.
one post ago you claimed personal attack.
Originally Posted by CCCC
]..the strong and upstanding persons we find everywhere.
anyone who swallows the clueless brain-dead BS you have posted at times I would not consider strong and upstanding or even reasonably aware and intelligent.
Keep digging, Starbucks - you're about six feet under by now. Weakly, you now resort to the papal "We" in a dumb attempt to infer that ypu have some universal affirmation of your opinion - such silliness. Is that a naive perception? Now - let's get somewhat serious, I challenge you to search backward and find/post one - a single one - instance where CCCC attempted to employ an iota of "faith" as a shield in the face of any of the baseless attacking by you and a few others. Go ahead - you are going to come up empty. And, please, do not flail around with some senseless and meaningless non-contextual quote.

As for victim status - why do you not learn the difference between a person recognizing your nastiness - and a person laughing it off and refusing to be victim to it? Wake up - you cannot create victims merely by being nasty - you have to get after someone weaker than you. (Good luck there.)

How silly - now you try to deride the various "strong and upstanding persons we find everywhere" in a vain effort support what you "consider". Keep digging.

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