Thanks kindly sir, it turned out okay through no help from me.

I have that as the screen saver on my phone actually.

It's one of the spots I've told the kids they can leave my ashes, but they should wait until fall, buy a tag and take a rifle just in case.

I want to say I've managed to bring 5 whitetail home from within a half a kilometer of that spot and one fantastic morning had 5 bull elk in front of me there at the same time - which is a rare thing for us.

None of them had 6 points which we're restricted to, but it still ranks as one of the most exciting hunts I've had.

Oh - just remembered - within a half a kilometer of there too was the closest I've ever come to shooting a recalcitrant black bear. I still don't know what possessed him to think he could take the little guy in the hat that morning, but I was at volume level 11 and definitely speaking in tongues to him - as well as pointing that same .308 Norma at him and assuring him it only held 3 so the next sound he heard was going to be really, really loud.

It's a special place for me for a lot of reasons now that I think about it.

Thanks again and all the best.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"