The DEA classifies Everything in Genus Cannabis as a Schedule 1. This includes Marijuana and Hemp. Take the psyo-active THC out of MJ and Hemp and you have dozens if not hundreds of other compounds that may be useful to science and medicine.

Currently, adequate research [b][color:#3333FF]cannot be completed[/color][/b], because legal Cannabis supplies are heavily restricted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, since Cannabis is a Schedule 1.

"Clinical researchers can get permission from the DEA to grow or create restricted compounds like LSD, MDMA or psilocybin in the lab; not so with cannabis."

Re-scheduling Cannabis will allow proper medical research to begin on the true medicinal aspects of Genus Cannabis.

I think that point is being lost in the rush to beat up on the "pot-heads". Regardless those who smoke it will continue to smoke it whether it's re-scheduled or not.