Originally Posted by R_H_Clark

Do you want users of alcohol and tobacco beaten and put to hard labor too or does that just apply to the drugs you deem bad? I don't think I want to live in that society. It sounds way too much like N Korea to me.

Instead I would rather see pot sold and regulated like alcohol and the money used to treat the problem rather than punish the symptom.The problem is the reason people want to escape their life through the symptom of drug abuse.

You raise some hard questions. Agreed, the abuse of these chemicals one and all due to the escape from life is the root. And just like raising kids, when they can't see the way to doing what's right, they need to be "incentivized" to find their way. That can be done though negative or positive reinforcement, which is exactly what I think responsible leadership should be doing to disincentivize drug abuse and incentivize responsible living.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack