Originally Posted by AlaskaCub
I know some of you guys are older and view pot as the devil but I can tell you that after more than 20 years of responding to 911 calls I cannot recall a single call that was directly related to marijuana. On the flip side I cannot possibly count the # of calls related to alcohol use. From Domestic violence, child abuse, assaults, motor vehicle accidents, suicides, etc. Most of the horrific calls in my mental database are directly related to alcohol abuse. I cant for the life of me understand why someone would condone alcohol consumption and in the same sentence demonize marijuana use. Makes no sense to me. I say let they states decide and remove it from the schedule 1 list.

I just saw on TV that more people die from drug overdose in the US than alcohol related deaths,,,and weed for those that smoke it, are far safer than the heroine addicts that got hooked by doctors from "legal" Oxi.