Originally Posted by 700LH
Oregon allows the sale of recreational marijuana but allowed counties to opt out, that's why you see tons of pot shops in Western Oregon but Malheur county in very conservative Eastern Oregon has none. Bravo! They let the folks make the decision at the most local level possible.

It's for sale in Huntington, so the net says


Product and prices

Oh, man! Kewl! I thought I had to drive all the way to Bend or somewhere to get it.

Thanks! I'll be back in a while, or not... wink

Seriously, I had read that a pot shop opened in Baker County, probably in the Idaho Statesman. At that time that was the first and only one on this side of the state so prices were high and quality was low, and Idaho state troopers were hanging out in unmarked cars watching for people with Idaho plates going into the store, then they follow them back across the Idaho state line to bust them. From your link I see three of them opened up so I wonder if the Idaho cops are trying to cover all three or just grab a random sampling from each.

Oh, well, I'll just keep making the drive to Bend, I know some cool dudes there who will let me shoot it up and crash at their drug pad... wink

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!