Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by Bwana_1
I've never heard of rehab for weed, it's not the gateway drug the Reagan's claimed...Nancy just needed something to keep her away from the horology section.

Me either. Nor have I heard of ANYONE dying from quitting pot or "overdosing" on weed. Never heard of anyone getting delirium tremors from quitting pot or requiring hospitalization because of quitting. I NEVER responded, in all the years as a FF/EMT, to a single marijuana overdose. Alcohol, coke, lots of heroin and lots of sugar overdoses, plenty of prescription overdoses, tricyclic anti-depressants and paint huffers but not one marijuana OD....EVER! Shoots to hell the bullshit hype the anti-freedom, alcohol lovers try to ignorantly argue as it regards pot. Not one f'ing pot overdose EVER!! Think about that....

All this may well be true. On the other hand, how many good students flunked out of college after they discovered weed. How many daily smokers of weed make it to work on time every day.

Do you want your bus driver, your airline pilot, or your child's school bus driver huffing down a fattie before slides into the driver's seat.

This nation does have a serious problem with alcoholism. So, instead of adressing this problem, we should introduce another problem just as devestating to society?

No, I believe it's a State issue(just like legal drinking age)...and the Feds should deal with real problems, they have enough of them.

Based on national statistics there are many members here that have a loved one that's an addict, or may even be an addict themselves. Most are innocent victims that were hurt in accidents or had surgery, and were dealing with major pain daily. Their "pusher" was a doctor that prescribed the meds, and told them you can't get addicted to prescription drugs. When those legal drugs could no longer be gotten after their pain issues subsided, the only choice was heroin and street opiates...they are victims, not just junkies. They are young and old, just like you and I...regular normal people that were thrown in a blender, because they trusted the medical establishment.

Last edited by Bwana_1; 03/10/17.