Originally Posted by Fireball2
Originally Posted by 700LH

Seems some can't understand that the corruption and greed is a direct result of laws against it.. Duh!

That's like saying because murder is illegal I can't help myself, I have to go kill someone! The law is responsible for my urges!

How about if the govt dis-incentivized murder? Would I think twice about doing it then? Yes, that's exactly what they've done, for the good of society. Not taking into account how bad I want to kill somebody. So my individual loss of freedom was deemed acceptable for the overall good of society.

Now, inject drug abuse in place of murder. The govt could choose to make it unattractive enough that my desire to participate would dwindle in proportion to the consequences.

Or, they could glamorize and legalize it.

Easy choice.

Bad argument. The reason you don't go around killing people,is because you know it's wrong,not because you're afraid of what the government will do if you get caught.