Originally Posted by Fireball2
The problem with your ultimatum, which I see for what it is, fuel for a fight, is that your intent seems to be to defend drug users or discredit me so my position can be discounted. For the record, you could completely discredit me but that wouldn't change the drug argument. Recreational drug use including MJ has no place in our society. It is of no value.

Of course there's no toxicology report (yet) to back up my assertion that the guy is a drug addict. But there was heroine in the car. His driving pretty much speaks for itself, but you are free to draw your own conclusions. We see it all the time here.



So is it legal to drive while high on heroin where you are?

You say MJ has no place in our society and is of no value. Ok, lets see how many other things that applies to. Does alcohol have value? How about golf, golf courses take up prime real estate and drive up prices, we don't need em so ban them too, no value in golf. Oh, and cars are way too fast. A guy got killed here this week because he was driving too fast for conditions. If we had a law restricting the ability of vehicles to exceed 60mph, imagine how many tiny little children we'd save! And GUNS! Surely you don't need handguns at all, they aren't great for hunting and if nobody had them then nobody needs to defend themselves against someone with a handgun. Plus guns are loud, and disturb people in the area. Somebody might have to move because they don't like the noise pollution caused by those guns. Besides, people have accidents with guns, and sometimes ricochet's do weird things....in fact, lets give the government permission to imprison or kill anyone who has a gun, a car that drives to fast, or a bottle of scotch on the shelf. We just don't need those things, do we?