Originally Posted by Freddy
Apples and oranges,only gun law I support is not allowing violent felons to own guns. By the way if you are a pot head you can't own a buy a gun. I am not going to get into a debate over this but to me pot is only good for one thing, to get you high and don't bring alcohol into this because alcohol only gets you drunk if you drink to much of it, if someone needs to get high or drunk to enjoy life then they have a problem. One of our biggest 2nd amendment supporters is very much anti pot, his name is Ted Nugent.

Freddy, that's not entirely true. Read this:


Scott- in Oregon, licensed recreational outdoor growers (IE, for the legal recreational industry) are required to have an 8-foot security fence with security cameras etc. I'd also say your analogy is incorrect. It's not like having an acre of beer, it's more like having an acre of brewery or distillery. You don't hear much about those getting robbed... not saying it can't happen but it doesn't appear to be much of an actual issue.

I think that's because in a state where it's legal, why steal it? The dang stuff is everywhere. It's free if you know somebody with an oversupply- which is most of us- or cheap and legally available if not. I'd say again, while I've heard of liquor stores getting held up for MONEY, I haven't heard much about them getting held up for the liquor. I'm sure it happens but point being the risks are hardly worth the reward.

It'll be interesting to see where Trump/Sessions take this issue. Hopefully they'll stay true to the Conservative notion of State's Rights and mind their own business, but who knows.

A comment on hemp- in Oregon hemp growers got caught trying to kinda violate the spirit of the thing by growing plants not optimized for fiber but rather for CBD's... so, plants low in THC (like hemp) but high in CBD's, which are supposedly where many of the medical properties reside. It was because that's worth a whole lot more money than fiber. I haven't heard much about it since I read that though.

Hey look at that... 5:20.... "it's 4:20 somewhere!".... grin

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two