Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
Originally Posted by Tom264
So what ethnicity is God?

Maybe all,since God made man in his image and likeness and from that first man,all races have developed,but Jesus is Jewish,LOL

If Jesus was Jewish then the dead rise not.

Jesus never referred to Mary as mother, He called her woman.
She was purely an incubator the Holy Ghost overshadowed her and created both egg and sperm in her womb making Him God dwelling in human flesh.
How else was He to get here on earth to fufill the prophecies from 700 years prior?
If you put Mary or Joseph’s blood into the mix than your saying He’s half God and half man....dont you see how rediculous that sounds when God sent His only begotten son to give his (Gods own) blood for our sins and salvation?
Human (man) had zero part in my redemption.
