Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RJY66

Okay I'm confused.

First, Hymenaus and Philetus, whoever these people were did not impress the Apostle Paul much so that is a giant, colossal, big ass, honking, red flag right there that whatever they believed was wrong. He made a negative statement without detail about them in One Timothy as well.

Next, tradition states that Paul was murdered by the Romans sometime around AD 67 so he wrote both One and Two Timothy before then. So if Hymenaus and Philetus were teaching that the resurrection had already happened in time for Paul to write about them, they were doing it before the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 when the "spiritual resurrection" was alleged to take place by these folks. So that would make them wrong about it even if it were true. So my question is, can the people espousing this theory not count?

Further, what pages of the Bible do you have to tear out in order to make this theory work? Perhaps One Thessolonians 4: 16-18. If the second coming has already taken place, are we waiting for the 3rd in which Jesus "comes down from heaven"? Anytime someone comes to me with some kind of new "revelation" that requires me to twist, edit, or omit other scriptures, I gong it pretty quick. No end to all manner of cockamamie stuff has been concocted based on one verse which could easily be dismissed as garbage if people would only read the Bible and think for themselves and apply its whole counsel. When you fail to do that you are liable to wind up dancing with a rattlesnake in some little church in the Appalachian mountains.......or some such mental equivalent.
Well said.

Yes,there's a few things I would have to omit as well to believe we are in the new millennial reign after Christ's second coming. One would be the new city Jerusalem coming down from Heaven,as spoken of in Revelation 21. Another huge question is,where is Jesus,if the second coming has already been? From what I read,the whole purpose is so that God can live with his people.