Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
God has given us his word via the Holy Spirit who led men to write it. Over a number of years, the Spirit slowly revealed what God wanted in the final product. Now we need to talk about faith. We're saved by faith and we have his word by faith. Non-believers will poo poo the idea and find all kinds of reasons to reject the word or large parts of it, but we faithful know that God is true. We will stand by the Bible knowing that God didn't deceive us and if we follow his commands we will be richly rewarded in heaven. Non-believers can scoff all they want to but it will make no difference to those who know the truth and have accepted the Lord's forgiveness. They'll know the truth in the end but it will be too late.

Paul, in particular, is rejected by many. However, he was hand picked by Jesus specifically to carry the word to the gentile world. He was highly educated and prepared for the job assigned to him by Jesus in that confrontation on the road to Damascus. Paul then went into the desert for 3 years (the same length of time that the disciples were with Jesus), and was taught by a resurrected Lord. By doing this, he was qualified to take the title of apostle along with the original disciples. He returned to public view as a fireball for the Lord.
Many hate Paul because he tells them what they don't want to hear. He speaks the truth and it hurts and instills fear in those who reject the Lord's commandments.

The Book of Enoch was mentioned. That was a Jewish book but even the Jews have rejected it as mostly false. It's claimed that it was written before the flood but parts have been found have been written less than 300 years before Christ, some parts less than 100 years. It contains numerous errors and has no part in scripture. It might have some historical value but that's all.

Really!! The whole Bible is allegedly a Jewish book, so what is your point. I could care less if the Jews reject Enoch. They reject the New Testament also.......

Now who said that Jesus picked Paul? What makes Pauls writings truer than Enochs? Enoch was picked be Jesus also. Who said that the Holy Spirit led men to write the Bible? The Vatican? Am I a non-believer because I question the writings and the Church. King James paid to have the Geneva Bible re-translated with one of the books named after him. How spirit inspired was that??

The real question is, why is the church so afraid of the writings of Enoch. Does his teachings challenge their later day doctrine teachings?

not being a trained theologian as most posters here are, i'd suggest that Enoch had information that we all need to know.

what we have is a problem. we've got folks who disagree, then claim their view is the only one true view.

i'm a follower of john calvin, but maybe he's wrong? is anyone else wrong also?

if anyone can't admit wrongness, maybe they're entrapped by der debil?