Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
I don't think that the 100% accuracy of the KJV of the scriptures,or if some texts may have been omitted has much relevance at all to anyone who has a personal relationship with Jesus. Yes,the Bible is important,but you also have the Holy Spirit to guide you into all the truth. You should be just fine,even if you were illiterate,or lived somewhere that scripture was illegal.

i kinda like your perspective on things, even if all my ancestors, pretty much, were hardshell baptists, and maybe a few five point calvinists, and a few original Lutherans mixed in, for good measure.

however, there's more to the story that should be examined in some detail, imho. we humans are expressive, somewhat intelligent, living beings living down here on the Urth, (or earth), depending.

we breath air, a most corrosive substance, especially the oxygen content (16-25 percent) needed to support life and fire.

this man Jesus has captured a lot of attention in this world. his dad, the Mighty War-God YHWH somehow, as if by majjicc? impregnated a virgin human urthling to have a male child (not female, mind you), to be born at a particular time in history in the middle east, for the benefit of the vorld. that sounds like an equation that has been solved down to a 17 decimal point level of detail?

so, all humans, from all points of the globe are subject to be saved, and sent to heaven, no?