Originally Posted by IndyCA35
I have a hard time following much of this stuff. To be sure, I believe that God exists. If we made up God, then we have made up any moral rules, and there would be no absolutes, only whims.

"Moral rules" aren't absolutes, but are creations of culture. Societies may abide by a particular set of rules, but even within a society there can be variations in the particular rules or interpretations of rules. For example, even among Christian societies there are really quite significant differences of view as to the proper interpretation of even the most basic of rules, such as the Ten Commandments, and quite significant differences as between individuals as to the way they apply those rules in practice.

And then there are societies for whom such rules as are (more or less) followed by those adhering to the Judeo-Christian traditions have no application, and perhaps no meaning at all. In a society where the concept of "personal property" is completely alien, for example, rules such as "you shall not steal" or "covet not" are completely meaningless.