Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
Originally Posted by rphguy
To say that God can be killed is wrong.
They killed the physical body of Jesus, but He was still God and still very much alive.

To kill the physical body is all that can be done to any of us as well. Physical death however was not the huge punishment that Jesus suffered on our behalf. What he suffered that counts was separation from the Father. This is why Jesus cried out on the cross,"My God ,My God,why have you forsaken me?" This was the first time Jesus had ever been separated from the Father. God wasn't even Father any longer,but "My God".

there is a difference. When we die, we have no control over being able to be alive. Jesus always possessed that authority and ability.

One might think it semantics, but you cannot kill God. He is unkillable.

Similar to many believers calling Mary "the mother of God". While she is the mother of Jesus Christ, she is not "the mother of God".
Semantics? no. Mary is not divine, nor pre-existent. She was not around to "create God". She was around, though, for Christ to be placed in her womb and give birth to Him, making her the mother of Christ, but not the mother of God.