Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by Hastings
I am interested in what you believe. We know what you disbelieve.
Since you believe in supernatural acts ..
Do you even mildly entertain the possibility that
pagan gods the Romans worshipped, divinely
assisted them in their empire building.?
Why would some deity help Israel and not Rome?
In answer to your questions, I don't know what all the Deity allows vs. assists. I have stated that I believe the Jewish people maintaining their identity in their dispersal all over the world for almost 2000 years and the re-establishment of the modern super power Israel to not be explainable except by supernatural intervention. Especially their victory in the 1948 war. Basically a few thousand stood off the Arab Moslem hordes. Now as to the literal bible the very first chapter is not to be taken literally. A 7 day creation that took place 5000 years ago is not close to accurate. But my answer to that would be to ask. What is a day to a creator at the center of our vast universe. So yes, I believe there is a "Deity". My question to you remains what do you believe? As I said, we know what you disbelieve. God bless.

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