Originally Posted by HoosierHawk
If one's purpose is to educate and influence an audience, then one probably shouldn't refer to said audience with vulgar, insulting words.

Since B.S. (how fitting?) is constantly doing that, one must come to the conclusion that those aren't his goals with his posts. If that is the case, then what are his goals, and why does he do it?

They certainly are not to educate and influence others. At that, he fails miserably.

About the only parts of his posts I actually understand are the vulgar terms. The rest is semi-literate jibberish.

I must respectfully disagree with your interpretation of Big Stick's intentions. He subjects his gear to hard use in a harsh environment. Other than work all he does is prepare to shoot and shoot. I would estimate he has put over 1 million rounds down range. He tells anyone that reads his posts what equipment he uses, why he uses it and not some other gear, and he displays obvious successes in his endeavors. Again, his style may be insulting or rude, but his information is spot-on.