Most people who talk as much as you aren’t worth a schit. But by all means congratulations on your alleged skills.

Did you major in stupid in school?? I don't see where I bragged about anything, I merely told you what targets I have shot at, since you obviously know nothing about the subject, and your preconceived notions were not just wrong, but wildly so. So far your batting zero, by any clear reckoning.

I rather you just say Thank You, seeing I provided you with a free education.

I'm not being paid by the word or by the insult. I'm retired, so I have plenty of time to play pattycake with you idiots.

I just try to be clear, so there is no mistake at what I'm try to convey and why.

All I've heard from you and your ilk is insults. Not logic, not reason, nor have you established any rational for your delusions, especially about subjects you obvious no nothing about.

So you can go [bleep] off now little man, and play pretend with someone else.

Having a Sparkling Night JoeBob