Originally Posted by Willto
Originally Posted by DingoDuk
Originally Posted by Willto
It’s typed genius. But if you think your lack of knowledge isn’t noticed by everyone. You are doing even better than you thought.

We understand. Staying on your knees blowing people for bucket chicken leftovers at KFC would have anyone in an irritable mood. I don't approve of your lifestyle but I'm not without compassion for the suffering of a fellow human being.

Tell us more seems you are an authority. lol
Willto you poor quivering lipped do nothing. last time you told this story it was Jack in the box and a medium curly fry and you were doing it as a Boy Scout fundraiser. Lmfao
Forgive me if my homo comment ruffled your feathers so.

Awwww, did we run into the thread here and fling our one little handful of poo it took you all day to crap out expecting no one would say anything back? So sad that didn't work out for you. Oh well good luck down at the KFC.

Actually I hoped some crossed fûcktard would stroll by and I could set the hook.

See you run in swing for the fences and I’m at easy living right between you ears.
PS the KFC dumpster fire is fûckn hilarious. Hand jobs are free with a drumstick. LOL.
Tell me about all your rifle scope experience. It’s amazing how you know so little but keep pretending that you are relevant.
What’s your favorite model of Leupold? LMFAO.
PSS, I have a purplish 2.5 compact on my 416 rigby. It’s set and forget and a mile of eye relief so I will keep it but I don’t expect it to last. The Rigby has a little bite to it.