Originally Posted by Magnumdood
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Yet on bicycle forums, oddly enough, you don't have a dedicated group of blowhards running down the $500 bike at every opportunity.

I've never been on a bicycle forum, so tell me; If there is not a group of "blowhards" who run down $500.00 bicycles is there also a lack a self-aggrandizing nitwits who swear that a $500.00 bicycle is all anyone needs and anyone spending more is just a fool?

That was almost pretty good, but it missed the mark by quite a bit. There plenty of bicyclists riding $500 bikes that are certain they don't need a blacked out $5000 carbon fiber bike, hydraulic disk brakes and a NASCAR looking jersey to get good exercise and enjoy themselves. Likewise there are those who have convinced themselves that they absolutely must have the latest high dollar bikes and electronic gadgetry to get in a good workout. Poseurs if you will. Every passtime/activity has those though. There are also those who demand the very best and are capable of using it. That is a minority. They tend to be humble and helpful. They are very slow to get into internet dick measuring contests.

What there is not is a substantial vocal group who prosthelytize against a particular piece of cycling related equipment at every opportunity. In our crazy social media world, that is something that is unique in the Leupold hate group.

I'd venture a guess that half the people who are railing against Leupold have never experienced a failure. I venture a guess that 50 of those who have had failures, exaggerate the claim. I'd further guess that the majority that insist that anything less than a Nightforce ATACR will doom them to failure can't and don't use the scope to its fullest potential. But hey, they fit in well with the crowd!