Originally Posted by Willto
Oh and Swarovski hasn’t ever made glass that’s worth a single fück for killing. Finding victims absolutely in the top five killing they fall short. But mechanical have never been there strong suit.
But bless your heart for trying.
300 yards is a great start congrats on not having a single fûckn clue and still feeling relevant. Takes a lot of ego to pretend this hard.

What's that? Couldn't hear you. Sounded like you had something in your mouth. LOL!

Forgive me for having broken more gear than a third mortgage could get you and knowing what works with out guessing!!
Everyone here is still shocked that you are into cock documentaries. TFF you said it not me I’m just rubbing your dumb fûckn face in it. Congrats not many folks jump in a scope conversation with there interest in dicks and such. LMFAO.