Originally Posted by Featherweight6555
I believe that a public easement of 4 or 5 feet @ every corner be fair to the public. That land belongs to you and I and we should have free and fair access to it.

That's what the next lawsuit should be.

So, what is the value in $ to the public of said ROW. Eminent domain does require fair compensation.

What % of the public will make use of ROW once established? Why should I and millions of other Americans pay for a ROW to be used by such few people?

Don't like land locked public property? Buy the private land blocking your access! Or buy that ROW. Offer the land owner enough to make it worth his while.

But no! Let .gov just take it and give it to you. That is much easier than earning it.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.