Originally Posted by earlybrd
Is the fed lands marked in any way out there
Corner Crossing - The American Surveyor

"The Section Corner the gentlemen stepped over was originally set by General Land Office (GLO) Deputy Surveyor (DS) Lewis Lampton in 1878. The corner was then part of a Dependent Resurvey by GLO DS Wayne Gardner in 1967. It was at this time that DS Gardner found the original monument set by Lampton and replaced it with the Post. In the original field notes from 1967, Gardner States “…are monumented with the Bureau of Land Management’s standard iron post cadastral survey monument, consisting of an inscribed die cast brass cap, permanently mounted on a galvanized iron pipe, 29 ins. Long, 2 1/2 ins. diameter”. During the Dependent Resurvey, Gardner found “…a sandstone, 14x8x3 ins., illegibly mkd., loosely set 3 ins. in the ground”. This was the corner set by Lampton and currently buried alongside the new post."