Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by BuzzH
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by BuzzH

Camera on the cell phone doesn't need cell coverage to record an unruly landowner. I don't live in an episode of Yellowstone, neither do most landowners. Enough with the stupid drama talk.
How can I put this in single syllable words so you can understand.

If one walks into a hunter's, (oh strike that. two syllables) man's camp and tries to push him out. Most men will not leave with out the laying on of hands. Or show of lethal force. Either is justification for lethal self defense.

Oh Hell, all kinds of syllables in that last sentence.

When was the last time you used lethal force while being pushed out of your camp on public land?

Pics or it didn't happen.

Your problem here is like many posting on this thread, nothing a loser hates more than a winner.

The real problem is many have no use for a con-man.

And you are the fugging idiot that said Eshelman was trying to push hunters off of public land.

I am saying, that ain't likely to happen as most hunters just happen to be carrying lethal weapons, and would be fully justified in their use.

There are examples of Eshelman trying to push people off public land.