Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by WMR
Class envy aside, I still don’t see why a landowner shouldn’t be allowed to build any fence he wants to the very last inch of his own property. If he can, then corner crossing is not guaranteed.
Let him build his fence, then when hunters build a sufficient device or ladder to get across the corner which puts them not touching his itty bitty point of contact, tough sheit for Mr. Eshelman. Better yet, that county has a one man one vote law just as does the whole USA. The counties involved could put a surtax on large land holdings with one price for the first 1000 acres and pay through the nose for anything over that. Progressive taxation is legal and tax exemptions are legal. The power to tax is the power to destroy and it should be considered with this ass of a man.

When you get down to it just imagine how small the point of contact is when two corners meet.

I’m good with the ladder thing. Same as with a helicopter.

Using taxation to destroy an individual or seize his property seems like the worst side of socialism. Class envy, or covetousness, can drive a lot of behaviors. How could one support this and then oppose liberals for the redistribution of wealth?