Full of mis-representations and outright lies as is usual with that crowd.

Skip the first 12 minutes, it’s self-congratulatory fluff.

The arguments they state is that radio-isotope dating and all the other physical evidence is crap and that basing theories and conclusions upon observable evidence (ie. Science) necessarily rejects the existence of a God.

Their position is that the only reliable guide to the past is eye-witness testimony as recorded in their writing and the eye-witness was God, tho of course God didn’t write anything Hisself he was only quoted. Turns out Adam was fully literate. No record of Abraham reading anything written by Adam or reading anything written by people who had read anything written by Adam so as the moderator is obliged to interject, God musta spoke directly to Abraham too.

No mention at all of the troubling parallels between Genesis and the earlier Epic of Gilgamesh and no mention of the fact that numerous individuals including Joseph Smith and Mohammed have claimed that God through His angels spoke to them too. Same basis for conclusions ergo equally valid, or not.

The real irony being, IMHO, if ya want to see the handwriting of God, just step outside your door and look at the World around you.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744