Originally Posted by TwoTall
I cannot believe how many people on here have no doubt in their mind what there science teacher in school told them is accurate. We all know who has been running our schools since WW 2. The left. Pure evil. Why would you believe anything they have to say. Every story they manufacture to tell all the school children is number 1, designed to separate you from God. That is the left’s ultimate goal anti God. Every college paper published must fit their criteria. Decade after decade. Wake up. Today the science teacher says there are 40 different genders and men can have babies. So I’m sure you believe that to be true also. Go take a science lesson duh.

Nice try sport. I got my degree in geology 40+ years ago.

No one was teaching that there were more than two genders or that men could have babies and speaking of that, where in the hell is anybody teaching that men can have babies now?

A wise man is frequently humbled.