Originally Posted by Coyote10
About 6000 years ago.

In Luke , we get Jesus's full lineage going all the way back to Adam. The Bible also tells us Jesus was born during the reign of Caesar Agustus. Put the two together and it's about 6000 years.

The current Jewish calendar also says we are in the year 5781. Per the Jews it counts from the creation of the earth.

We actually don't have evidence of any evidence of anyrhing being a million years ago. We have artifacts that scientist says is millions of years old as determined by carbon dating, which science admits is flawed. Carbon dating is measuring how much carbon organic matter has in it based on its know rate of decay. However, it only works if you know how much carbon it had to begin with and the carbon in the environment affects the carbon in the organism per science. You have to know how much carbon was in the environment to give you a starting point and without it, all the age estimates are just guesses. No one knows how much carbon was in the environment in prehistoric times.

Not my words. Copied and pasted. But I'm in this category.

This very day I listened to a lecture. It included a small sampling of carbon 14 dating of a mammoth. Part was 44,000 years old and part of the same mammoth was 29,500 years old.

Would you bet your life on it?

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter