A general comment about “models.”

The construct of models to help us better understand how things work are very valuable…. We have naturalistic models…..societal models…..economic models and of models for astronomy.

But, models are not fixed, immutable concepts.

As we gain more knowledge….new information, a model is subject to change….as it should. Such as the “dark matter” descriptions.

In the link below is an example of a an astronomic model undergoing change…


Oddly how astronomers Big Bang theory is changing, even though the moniker “Big Bang” remains.

Also note the emergence of the “everywhere, all at once” concept being discussed….interesting stuff.

HOWEVER….. there is a great danger in developing models…. A “model” is only a model. It may not be totally accurate….the danger comes when we begin to …..believe…. That the model is a totally accurate representation of the true action, circumstance or interpretation of some set of facts or events.

The model may be accurate for what we can see today, bit as new information/facts are presented, the model must change.

So…don’t get to carried away…or… “married up” with some way of thinking or model that you have grown comfortable with…..

It’s going to change….

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”