Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by tdoyka
Originally Posted by antlers
There are not many cases in all of written ancient history where we have multiple separate and independent written accounts of the same event, or series of events. We have virtually no multiple separate and independent written accounts of the same events in all of written ancient history. The life of Jesus stands out all by itself in that regard. The events of His life were extremely important to His 1st century followers. “Many” people attempted to write down an orderly account of the life of Jesus, not just a few, but “many”.

The fact that we have 4 ancient separate and independent manuscripts that document the life of Jesus is unique. We don’t have references to these documents, we have actual copies of these documents. In nearly all of written ancient history, we only have references to documents that we no longer have. With nearly all of written ancient history there are no actual copies, it’s just authors who reference documents who reference documents, and the documents…and actual copies of those documents…are no longer with us because they just disintegrated over time.

And yet we have 4 different separate and independent accounts of the life of Jesus, and the reason we have those historical accounts are not because of what He taught, and not because that He was arrested, and not because He was crucified ~ the reason all of these people documented the life of Jesus is because He rose from the dead. And these historical accounts were considered valuable and reliable and sacred and inspired. They were considered scripture by the early ekklesia of Jesus.

i think that we all should go to the Sumerian religion. Sumerian is the first written language so you have to believe that religion is true because it was already written. wink

if you believe in your Christian God, that's great. you do you. Shinto, Native American, Hinduism...doesn't matter. if you are an atheist, i don't mind. you do you is my motto when it comes to religion.

The Egyptian gods are worth a look at too. Take Osiris for example - he pulled off the resurrection stunt millenia before it was claimed by Jesus' writers, and he even got his wife pregnant post resurrection. What a champ! Jesus never got anyone pregnant - maybe he was a eunuch or something?

i looked at the Egyptians' years ago and it wasn't for me. the Norse religion was almost the one, but i decided on the Animalistic religion with some Shinto thrown in. i'm not big on organized religion, much like Joshua/ Yeshua/ Jesus did.

"Russia sucks."
---- Me, US Army (retired) 12B & 51B

Russian Admiral said, after the Moskva sank, "we have the world's worst navy but we aren't as bad as our army".