Originally Posted by antlers
Trying…and failing…to discredit the faith of Christianity ‘by’ attacking and discrediting the Bible is not an original or unique tactic. Those early first century Christians did NOT base their faith on any manuscript. They had their lives changed...and based their faith on...an event. One that they saw, one that they witnessed with their own eyes. The Resurrection of Jesus created and launched Christianity. So the failed tactic of trying to discredit the faith of Christianity ‘by’ attacking and discrediting a book that didn’t even exist at the time that Christianity first began is more than a little bit weak.

So we agree, the bible is a completely unreliable source.

So when certain "Christians" start justifying their actions, ideas, morality, government policy, etc. by citing the bible, I trust you'll join me in telling them to put that sh*t away. Especially when it forces those ideas and morality on others.

Last edited by RHOD; 12/19/23.