Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by shrapnel
Originally Posted by DBT
Feel free to prove science wrong. You'll get prize for it. Roll up your sleeves and set to work!
It has been done more than you will ever admit…
DBT: The science you and others trusted so much the last 2 or 3 years has certainly backfired and killed or maimed a bunch of folks that followed the "science". The results of that experiment will be coming in for a while to come. I am part of the control group as are a bunch of stubborn Americans.

We will see.

You refer to politics. Science didn't set vaccination policy, wearing masks, etc, politicians did. And sure, nothing is perfect, scientists are human and mistakes are made....which is why testing and correcting errors is important.

Does religion do that? What about politics and ideology?
You are right "science and humans make mistakes" so that is why I opted out of their "testing and correcting errors".

As far as religion, politics, and ideology I don't much trust that either. Too many bad motives mixed in makes me leery of their claims also.

I am not atheist but I can understand why you are with all the "information" our religious folks put out. A lot of the beliefs make no sense.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
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