Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by antlers
The explanation of how gravity operates is still a theory, even though the presence of gravity is very clearly observed.
I have never gotten a clear explanation of the cause of gravity although as you say it ''is very clearly observed''.

I asked a neighbor friend to explain what caused gravity and he said it was the spinning of the earth. I said that didn't seem right, that a spinning tire throws mud off. It doesn't hold it on. I have a son who is a bona fide genius in many things and he attempted to explain it but really it amounted to "we don't know for sure".

Gravity is a force of nature and is a good example to give an atheist that doesn't believe in something he cannot see. You can bet your a$$ he believes in gravity.

Oh, boy....that's quite a spin. Unlike God, whatever that is supposed to be, nobody needs to believe in gravity, and anyone can test its reality.
Sure, you can test it, you can feel its effects, but can you explain its cause.
Originally Posted by DBT
What are these effect that can be attributed to "God?' Examples may help.
How about gravity? Explain it.

At this point in time it is best to say that gravity is a property of mass. As waves are a property of light and EM radiation.

I have read a few hypothesis (much different than a theory) concerning wave forms associated with gravity. But we just do not know much about it yet. Perhaps in 100 years people will have a better understanding of the nature of gravity.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.