Originally Posted by Coyote10
Originally Posted by DBT
Made it 5 million years old at the beginning? How does that work!

Because God can do anything. He knows the number of hairs on your head. He created a man and a woman from his rib. To make a rock out of thin air is nothing.

Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Coyote10
As far as evolution, I believe that living things can evolve to adapt.
Like a labrador retriever having webbed feet or something like that for example. Not that we came from organisms that grew into monkeys and then evolved to humans.
You believe and don't believe those things because you haven't studied.

Evolution doesn't propose that one kind of animal evolved into monkeys, and then we evolved from them. We still are monkeys, and apes, and humans. A species never stops being the clade that it used to be. On the contrary, we are still apes, the same way we are still monkeys, the same way we are still mammals, the same way we are still tetrapods, the same way we are still vertebrates, etc. etc.. The human species will never stop being apes, monkeys, mammals, tetrapods, and vertebrates.

You keep being a monkey bro. I'm saying that each species is it's own and didn't evolve from another. They evolve over time to their environment to adapt and live. A human came from a human, which God made. An ape came from an ape, which God made. It's not a hard concept. Evolving to an environment is no more than an animal having a summer coat and a winter coat, or an artic fox having a white coat in the winter months, or why a dolphin or bat uses sonar, and so on...

Just because a concept is easy, that doesn't make it true.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell