Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Coyote10
The earth's age and Christianity are two separate issues. 2000 plus years ago, Jesus was resurrected. Before that, it's a guess. But one day in our puny brains could be 10,000 years in God's eyes, or vice versa. God made the earth. This is a fact. Why? Because the Bible says so, an a Christian should take the Bible literal. Faith. It's all about faith. I don't ask why. It's because I have faith in what the Bible tells us.

As far as the earth's age? Maybe God made it to be 5 million years old to begin with. Who knows? I just know, God made the heavens and the earth and all was good. He made day and he made night. He created man. He created woman.

As far as evolution, I believe that living things can evolve to adapt.
Like a labrador retriever having webbed feet or something like that for example. Not that we came from organisms that grew into monkeys and then evolved to humans.

God created the Earth. Believe in Jesus and his sacrifice for your sins and you can ask him one day. Only one way to the Father. That's a fact.

Faith is not a pathway to truth.

What is the opposite of faith? I believe it to be doubt.
Yes, according to my Christian belief, faith is truth on a matter such as evolution and creation.