Originally Posted by Willto
With religion you are started off with a story that someone you don't know wrote a long time ago.
You knew Newton and Darwin?

Originally Posted by Willto
There is often zero evidence for any aspect of these stories and of course never any at all for the supernatural elements. Despite this you are not allowed to ask for hard evidence or question any aspect of the story.
The tone of absolutism is patently false, but you know that. Numerous supernatural events (beyond the scope of posting) have evidence, but are commonly dismissed through ignorance or scientific explanation….as if God couldn’t permit both. Marine species on the tops of the highest mountains? Check. The plagues of Egypt? Check. Wind set down parting seas? Check. All real. All scientifically explained.

Originally Posted by Willto
Thankfully Christianity has mellowed a bit, but people are still being punished and even killed in Muslim countries for such transgressions.
Are we conveniently disregarding the number of secular regimes that have slaughtered and attempted genocide???

Originally Posted by Willto
A theory in scientific terms is not the same thing as a hunch in layman's terms. A scientific theory is supported by very strong evidence that has withstood the test of time. A scientific theory is based on a careful and rational examination of the facts.
“Very strong” is subjective. I’m unaware of the scientific “Test of time”. Please explain. Theories contains facts, but are not facts. Food for thought: Some religions contain facts, too.

Originally Posted by Willto
Religion is believing a story that has no evidence for it's supernatural claims, cannot be tested for verification, and openly chastises or punishes you for daring to question any of it.

Originally Posted by Willto
If that sounds no different than a scientific theory to you then our perceptions of the world are just different and there is perhaps no hope of reconciling them.
Please explain how anything you said makes the Theory of Evolution a fact.