I don't think people like Mule Deer are positing the dilema as an either/or situation where it's okay to gut shoot deer at 50 yards but not okay to blast legs off at 800 yards. Can't speak for the man, but I am guessing he is totally against either deed.
This is a common form of how things are debated here on the fire- "Oh, you are against talking on cells phones in the car, so you must be for drunk driving."
Slob hunters come in many guises, from all income groups all states, and are both resident and nonresident, and use the full range of guns and gear available to them.
The long range shooting concept might just have added another inspiration to the slob hunters imagination. In that way, it (long range equipment), is just exactly like every other technical advance, like the phone, electricity, computers, etc, some use the advances in positive ways, others just use it in ignorance and arrogance to the detriment of all. Not much you can do about it. That's life.