Yep....I should have titled the thread.....realistic distance for a 1st shot kill! When you say the word ethics every single adulterating drunken whoremongrel. Immediately come running to there defense to immediately reason out why there lying piece of sheet carcass is something of high moral fiber and the smell of sheet is to be desired. Unfortunately for the worthless dung the facts are that there are good ethics that stem from moral fiber and there are bad ethics that the worthless little moles try to serve up like steaming dung on a golden platter. I must say however I certainly am pleased to see there are far more real sportsman with good ethics that have posted here than not. For a certainty most all the men who have posted have qualities I admire.

Gentlemen....let us always remember and pass on to our children something that will better them as a human being. It's all about learning respect...self control....and displaying an attitude of non greed and consideration for something other than the me monsters that frequent society today. It's something that's becoming more rare everyday yet something that is still a tradition that is passed on from true sportsman. Non of us are perfect and as far as I'm concerned a thread like this certainly doesn't hurt to reflect apon and remember who we are because a fella can grow for the good or you can slip a little here and slip a little there and pretty soon you find your up to your neck in schit.

As for any whining piece of schit dung that the word ethic makes cringe. Well go on and cringe you worthless piece of schit!!!!
