Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Maverick940

This is interesting -- You've only fired a rifle but twice in your lifetime, yet you missed once and you once hit.

So, that's a 50% hit-rate per whatever you were shooting at (paper target or animal) during the only two (2) times you ever fired a rifle.

How old are you and do you exclusively pursue animals when you're with archery tackle?


It was a joke Maverick.

I would bet I wear out more barrels in two years than 99.5% of the posters on the Fire do in a lifetime.

Thanks for the clarification, RC. It's truly appreciated.

In regards to my nearly six decades of hunting, there's been misses and even some that were wounding which resulted in losses. It goes with the territory, no matter how much we try to prevent it.

Regardless of the attempt by recent developments in technological gadgetry, which disillusions young people into thinking that hunting can be an exact shooting science, misses are going to occur.

Hunting isn't precise, nor is killing animals a precise occupation.