Originally Posted by EddyBo
You cannot buy the skills needed to do it right with cash, only with range time.

Kinda like golf....

Which was another portion of the "8.5x11" conversation Tanner referenced earlier. Situationally, there are times when I'm far more comfortable hitting a 6 iron in from 200.... than a wedge in from 100. One is closer, and the club more accurate.... but maybe there's water in front... or I could spin it off... whatever. Kinda translates.... deep canyon, dangerous critters, etc.

Bad schitt can/will happen, 200 or 2k... mitigating its potential with good decision making, based on knowledge and experience (via range AND field time) is a responsibility. How you deal with that responsibility defines your ethics as a hunter....

I think we, as brethren, should be far more concerned about "The Ethics of the Friend Assisted Long Range Pack-Out". Should there be a Long Range Hunting "You shot him down in there? On purpose?" Opt out clause?!?!

You better pray to the God of Skinny Punks that this wind doesn't pick up......