Originally Posted by remfak
Originally Posted by Steelhead
I've been in plenty of tight spots and have needed money more than a few times in my life.

What I will not do is sell my integrity, not for $10 or $10 million, period.

Communication is KING, if I was in that tight I spot I'd tell the guy that I'm spending the money the moment I got it and let him know that if he wasn't happy with the item then I'd find a way to get the money back to him. I'd not tell him that nor attempt to say I have a 'No return policy' after the fact.

Integrity don't go out the window with me, regardless of my financial situation. A man has to have one thing he will never sell.


Story after sob story after BS story....sheesh!

Yea, you'd think Ric would want to ban these scammers. They certainly do nothing for the integrity of the Fire.

Beware of thieves, scammers and dishonest members on the "Fire" classifieds. Ya there is a thief here too. Whatever!!

They're all around the CampFire and everywhere.